Friday, June 27, 2014

Google IO

I don't know how I got so much interested in technological stuffs, I know it was subconsciously inside me but I cannot remember what triggered me over technology. Recently we got over WWDC by Apple and now its Google time with Google IO.

Either through tech blogs or feeds or Facebook page or posts people are more or less into technology and know more or less about technology, so people are slowly and unknowingly building expectations within themselves about the future of technology. With every dev focused conference like WWDC or even Google IO at the end of the day people are like with Okay feeling rather than getting excited over the development, one of the main reason to being Okay from a Wow is its mostly for devs and not all the people watching are devs, most of them are watching keynote and off, but overall its good coz more people are getting engaged.

With WWDC, I am excited over Yosemite i.e. new version of the Apple's OS X coming soon and with the Google IO with Android L which I have preview installed. The future of search by Ray Kurzweil is something to look forward with time but for now its being materialistic over material design :-). I don't know about others but I am using it as regular OS on my regular phone and its smooth as far as I have used. Its more like adding retouch on both iOS and legacy Android. I had earlier used dev preview of Windows 8 even the consumer preview but didn't find anything so to worry about on the Preview versions and same is for the Android L. Moving to android L, as addressed so much on Keynote, the experience is good with more depth and animation thing going on, and the animation is more like sliding underneath the other layout which is similar to the multi tab of chrome thing but is highly polished, even the recent window are multi tabbed, they have worked in details and design for this version, touch are responsive with ripple effect, the notification are on the lock screen with a fixed line grid layout but when its slightly lower down notification expands which is good detailing but needs more days to get used to it, the dialer more colourful, overall the feel this time is definitely like installing a UPDATE rather than just incrementing the version number beneath, so its now the UX thats slowly taking on Android. Now its ART all the way, which was optional for the earlier version of Nexus 5.

When I saw news about android L on preview mode regardless of warning I jumped straight into it and got it done and I am happy that I am using it without breaking anything beneath of my hard earned Nexus 5 :-)

Happy Technology


Monday, May 19, 2014

Something X

We all know google right :-)

I remember when I knew google, might be around 7-8 years from now, I knew it not in a good way. I kind of heard it that its a company by young group of people which might not exist for long as people would expect to. But as years passed we are google all the way. Its been so part of our life that we can’t even imagine life without it. How can search engine make money out of it? It did and did in a grand style.

Recently I have been reading about Google X, a kind of secretive lab for moonshot thinking, saw interview of Astro Teller captain of Google X and its like really good. Imagine someone comes to you and ask you about if you can increase the maximum speed of a might be a F1 car from 400 kmph to 500 kmph, so what would you do?? you will start to know about the engine and start tweaking the bottlenecks and you will somehow achieve it or even achieve it like 550kmph and might be the reason of applaud but what if anyone or no-one comes and ask you if you can increase the speed to like crazy 1500kmph or even more?? Now you are thinking on the X's way. Why ?? coz you now cannot tweak that system, you have to think beyond iteration and think beyond sky (coz sky is limit) now you will have to work on small details and rebuild those details to art, shattering all those laws of defining something. Even getting this thing known made me feel wow. How could possibly someone think these things ?? So its Google X way of doing things. Everything they do like the Google Glass brings huge possibilities to us, imagine reading menus of restaurant with google glass of language that you don't know, even knowing the history or price tag of any product you are seeing, even heath related concern with that particular object. So the possibility is widening up with technology and its evolution. So Google has a research division but how is Google X different?? its not something that is in the name, its on the approach that they take. So basically what a research is? its like digging into something that no-one knows till making it like nothing but google X is like digging into everything if they can get something for everyone so the approach is one liner but different, different enough to make it something like X. They like to create non-iterative things, once done is done, the leftover is like for the weaker ones :-). Some defines X like roman X i.e. 10 it does work 10 years ahead, some says its like they do 10 folds of a particular thing but whatever it may be, its bringing foundational change for tomorrow. I remember google buying Boston Dynamics and when I saw that video there is noway that you will say its made, it seems like a bull running in iron clad armour, its real and its now Google. 

To add to X, I am so much excited to about Oculus VR being acquired by Facebook. I have read somewhere that it might be the platform for Facebook and I wish it is. I am highly optimistic about Oculus being the platform coz when we see the big companies like Microsoft its platform is Windows OS, Google's Android, Apple's OS X but what about Facebook?? It has no platform, instead it depends on android or window or OS X or .... but what if it could have something that you can interact differently that you normally do so is it Oculus VR?? its certainly has huge possibility but if its Facebook platform that surely its good.

So there are so much of things that are happening out there, somewhere so this rejunevates life and help me try to do things that I usually don't, so its like staying informed but still staying foolish. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Struck with details

Came up with a new from TechCrunch about

“Macintosh democratized computers; Google democratized information; and eBay democratized commerce. In the same way, Canva democratizes design,” Kawasaki said in a statement. “You don’t get many chances to democratize an industry, so I seized the opportunity to work for Canva.”

 So I just seized the opportunity and just created a blog cover in wrong place I guess, Its beautiful a kind of app thing, details are huge on this especially loved loading part. Wow so much excited to see what is next for Canva, huge thanks to canva for getting me excited :-)

Friday, April 11, 2014

Technological Shift

Why is technology SO dynamic, I guess its like human being so partly its like me, so I like it. Every now and then, prediction is something that we love to do, we are farsighted of our prediction so we are forced to predict things, even technology. Technology has given us so much and usually my version of technology is some what related to programming. Recently we have heard about Whatsapp, it shook everything and even made founder's be on the Forbes billionaire's list, yes $19 billion. So why $19 billion?? sources says it about data, customer count they have, their interaction, even phone numbers which is the minimal criteria for whatsapping, its rapid growth ..... but how?? how with zero marketing budget?? so there is shift in classical marketing terms when it comes to technology, you don't know what matters and what don't.

Suddenly in world of Unreal Engine and choices on graphical processing over computation, Indie developer comes with an app called Flappy Bird and its easily flaps around $50,000 a day, graphics on the Flappy Bird seems like combination of bricks but still it managed to be so popular that it had to be taken out of developers reason (but its rumored to be back soon). So things are more unstable on side of technology than it was ever before. Google, Apple even microsoft pays huge sum to developers just to get their ecosystem right. Nearly 96% of revenue of Google comes from advertisement which in turns comes from consumer, even Facebook or twitter, so to aggregate things it comes from DATA.

Just few years back technology had different meaning I guess. It was more revolution kind of things, I want to name an application that we got to experience i.e. Skype. Who would have thought that a single application would have challenged huge and every telecommunication industry spread over world and made them to rethink their strategy over cost over calls, even whatsapp is legacy over skype in a different sense, even P2P communication started by Napster, which made file sharing so possible, so these were more focused on doing things right and slowly people followed it coz they liked it. But today we have technology assisting getting data, we are more into optimization, more in simplifying and more in complexing technology to make sure we get data on our side. Google are opting balloons for Project Loon, Facebook for drones, partly to make sure that we search and connect more. Overall they want to explore more DATA.

But what ever and however technology is shifting, we are getting more open to everything, there is kind of equal? possibilities to mass, we are changing, our thoughts are changing, and this is what we are living for and this is what we love technology for, its change that matters to us more and I feel lucky that the change is part of technology :-).

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Simple, Elegant yet Powerful

We all are born different so are our thoughts and so is technology. There has been changes that takes our breathe away, there has been change that takes us away but there are some change that simply makes us smile and make us believe in individual to be part of change itself. Before feedly, I used to use Google Reader I guess (just trying hard to remember without googling), I used to add feeds there and just go through technical blogs, most of the time it was marking all as read but sometimes I was reading, nevertheless it was my steps towards what I am doing now.

In those days, once I got to know a site called kickstarter. It was like wow!!!, ones imagination --> collective support and boom ---> reality. Its algorithm was quite simple as making a cup of tea?? The most valuable part of kickstarter for me was ideas that people posted which was simple and highly applicable with low or no cost but that can make difference. When I was kid I remember seeing a radio in Africa that could play without batteries, its source was a handle attached to radio and one should just rotate it, it was so simple yet we couldn't do that, we all played with toys with rotating keys but never understood it.


Similarly there was project on kickstarter called soccket. Its a football with some wiring inside, so when kids started playing with it, the ball gets charged (kinetic --> electrical energy) so when they leave for home they can read with it, isn't it amazing, the same round playing ball slightly heavy can help you play and read :-)

boy reading with soccket

A 30 minutes of play can roughly have 3 hrs of light??, especially targeted for developing nation, we are sure it will help lot of people not only directly but to make everyone think if they could so something simple yet game changing.


Similarly we came across project called GravityLight, so basically its a bulb which is attached with a weight and as the weight lowers down there is rotation and its light up until the weight is completely down and after that we just have to push the weight up and get the light again for FREE.

These are just an examples of how people see things in different ways, its not like apple products making dent in universe nor we have people engage in googling but these are ordinary people with simple, elegant yet powerful change that even when its part of discussion will bring smile to our face.

Friday, April 4, 2014

My Story


Everyone has a story :-) this is the best and the worse part of everyone but as we all are bounded by constraints there are few of us blogging (usually late but still sense of pride) our thoughts out. I was always fond of term 'open source' so I thought of opening myself out however with time and if my sources are correct I found its open software movement that led to term open source and I also found out there are SOME differences, but whatever it may be it sounds cool.

Writing diary is somewhat my hobby back in the days were I used to have low time on internet and high time on playing with my mind, so things changed with more internet, even changed the way one things of diary being kept on the dark alone aloof.  I am technical guy, I earn my living with technical stuffs, I program a bit to keep myself occupied with the world beyond me and stop myself being bored. Technology is so vast the more I learn, I tend to get depressed more but at the end of day or even on the start of the day, I convince myself to stop being depressed for a while and try to do some creative works. I find creativity and technology kind of little boy and Fat man kind of thing, technology is common to people whereas creativity lies on those people which is so small that few can get to it, so what do you thing is my purpose of discussion these things here?? that very few are creative and so do I :p.

Technology has given a meaning to my life, every time I scroll down on feedly I get myself so blessed to be part of what I am seeing now. Few people sitting : comes with and idea : does some work off and soon it starts defining people associated with the project and to me that's fascinating. Fascinating in the sense that you don't have to be a billionaire or hard coder or even on huge group but you can change the way people interact on daily lives, their way of perception which is happening like daily. The way technology is evolving is faster than we think how fast its evolving.

Its really exciting to be part of technology and even good to see my fingers stroke on my keyboard writing this blog, Writing blog is like hobby but when I see this same blog 10 years from now or even a year from now It really feels great, so basically what I am doing here is compiling great feelings for myself, so this blog is unplugged kind of blog, it will go with a flow and I am sure the flow is technology.


I am hungry and I am foolish ??