Friday, April 4, 2014

My Story


Everyone has a story :-) this is the best and the worse part of everyone but as we all are bounded by constraints there are few of us blogging (usually late but still sense of pride) our thoughts out. I was always fond of term 'open source' so I thought of opening myself out however with time and if my sources are correct I found its open software movement that led to term open source and I also found out there are SOME differences, but whatever it may be it sounds cool.

Writing diary is somewhat my hobby back in the days were I used to have low time on internet and high time on playing with my mind, so things changed with more internet, even changed the way one things of diary being kept on the dark alone aloof.  I am technical guy, I earn my living with technical stuffs, I program a bit to keep myself occupied with the world beyond me and stop myself being bored. Technology is so vast the more I learn, I tend to get depressed more but at the end of day or even on the start of the day, I convince myself to stop being depressed for a while and try to do some creative works. I find creativity and technology kind of little boy and Fat man kind of thing, technology is common to people whereas creativity lies on those people which is so small that few can get to it, so what do you thing is my purpose of discussion these things here?? that very few are creative and so do I :p.

Technology has given a meaning to my life, every time I scroll down on feedly I get myself so blessed to be part of what I am seeing now. Few people sitting : comes with and idea : does some work off and soon it starts defining people associated with the project and to me that's fascinating. Fascinating in the sense that you don't have to be a billionaire or hard coder or even on huge group but you can change the way people interact on daily lives, their way of perception which is happening like daily. The way technology is evolving is faster than we think how fast its evolving.

Its really exciting to be part of technology and even good to see my fingers stroke on my keyboard writing this blog, Writing blog is like hobby but when I see this same blog 10 years from now or even a year from now It really feels great, so basically what I am doing here is compiling great feelings for myself, so this blog is unplugged kind of blog, it will go with a flow and I am sure the flow is technology.


I am hungry and I am foolish ??

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